Pickled Jalapeños

Our friend had a big crop of jalapeños and shared with us. We had more than I could use immediately. I made my Grandsons favorite pickle, jalapeño pickles. So easy, so tasty.


1pound jalapeños

1 T salt

1 1/2 C white vinegar

1/2 C water

4 garlic cloves

1-2 T sugar¹


Sterilize two pint sealable jars and set aside.²

In medium nonreactive pan add water, vinegar, salt, sugar and bring to a boil.


Put on gloves

Wash and dry  jalapeños

Slice jalapeños then place jalapeños and garlic cloves in jar leaving 1/2 inch at top.

Add boiled pickling liquid and let stand 10 minutes and cover.

Place in refrigerator and let stand  about 3 days.


1  I added 2 T of sugar as these jalapenos had a lot of heat.

2  I boiled the Kerr® jars in water for 15 minutes and then transferred them to a clean cloth to cool down.





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