Champagne Vinaigrette


A light, delicate salad dressing that lets the salad ingredients shine.


1/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil, good quality

2 T champagne vinegar, good quality

1 T honey

1 1/2 T shallot minced

1/2 t Dijon mustard

1/2 t salt

Pich of pepper


Tools and Ingredients

In a small bowl, whisk together the mustard, shallot, honey, vinegar, salt, and pepper.

While whisking, slowly add the olive oil until the dressing is emulsified.

The dressing will have a consistent appearance, and the oil will not be seaprated and floating on top.

Serve over beet and feta salad (my favorite) or a green salad.


I order a beet feta salad at my favorite Italian restaurant, and it is dressed in a champagne vinaigrette.  I have had this salad a couple of times and based on what I tasted,  this recipe is my attempt to recreate what I was served.  We also use this dressing on our fruit salads and spring green salads.