Frisée, Radish and Endive Salad

Frisée offers so many textures in a bite from the delicate slightly bitter lacy leaves to the crunch of its stem. The radishes offer spiciness. It is a stunning salad visually.


1 large head of Frisée or curly endive¹

6-8 radishes sliced thin

2 heads of endive rough chop

1/3 C sunflower seeds

Lemon Garlic DressingLemon Garlic Dressing


Serves 2-4

Wash and shake dry Frisée. Place on serving platter. Add endive, radishes, and sunflower seeds.


Drizzle with dressing. Cut into halves or quarters and serve.



¹I used organic Frisée . The heads are very large but tender and slightly bitter to the taste.